Vaccinations for dogs and cats
At Yarra Ranges Animal Hospital we believe it is important to protect our pets against common diseases through the use of vaccines. The information below outlines our recommendations for vaccinations in dogs and cats.
For dogs there are two types of vaccines we administer. A C3 vaccination which controls against Parvovirus, Hepatitis and Canine distemper. A full C5 vaccination controls agains the core diseases and includes protection against kennel cough (Parainfluenza & Bordetella).

The core vaccine, known as the C3, is a triennial vaccination giving your dog immunity for 3 years.
- Parvovirus – serious & fatal disease resulting in haemorrhagic (bloody) diarrhoea, vomiting, lethargy, dehydration & shock.
- Hepatitis Virus – contagious, infectious disease of the liver and kidneys that results in lethargy, vomiting, loss of appetite & liver failure
- Canine distemper – a contagious disease that results in generalised illness. Clinical signs include vomiting, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, fever, fits/seizures, neurological damage and death.The second type of vaccine covers Canine Cough (Parainfluenza & Bordetella) and provides 12 months of immunity.
- Parainfluenza virus – highly contagious component of kennel cough that results in influenza like signs including coughing, sneezing, fever, lethargy & pneumonia or chest infections.
- Bordetella- a highly contagious component of kennel cough. This a dog-specific form of “whooping cough” that results in severe illness and cough in dogs.
Puppies require 3 vaccination boosters and then annual boosters ongoing for life (as mentioned, some components of the vaccine provide immunity for 3 years while others for only one year).
Schedule for vaccinations
1st Vaccination – C3 vaccination – 6 weeks of age.
2nd Vaccination- C5 vaccination – 10-12 weeks of age. 3rd Vaccination – C3 vaccination: 14-16 weeks of age. Annual C5 at 15 months of age.
For cats we recommend an F3 vaccination which covers against Feline Herpes Virus, Feline Panleukopaenia Virus and Feline Calicivirus. If your cat spends time outdoors, we also strongly recommend to vaccinate against Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV).
- Feline Panleukopaenia Virus- serious and highly contagious life threatening disease that causes vomiting and haemorrhagic (bloody) diarrhoea.
- Feline Herpes Virus – severe upper respiratory tract disease resulting in sneezing, nasal discharge, fever and conjunctivitis.
Feline Calicivirus – as with the herpes virus, this can be a severe upper respiratory disease resulting in the same symptoms along with oral ulceration and pneumonia.

Kittens require 3 vaccination boosters and then annual boosters ongoing for life.
Schedule for vaccinations:
1st Vaccination- F3 Vaccination 6 – 8 weeks of age.
2nd Vaccination- F3 Vaccination 12 – 14 weeks of age.
3rd Vaccination- F3 Vaccination 16 – 18 weeks of age.
For Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) protection, your cat or kitten will require a series of 3 injections is required given 2-4 weeks apart followed by yearly boosters.
Prior to receiving the initial FIV series of vaccinations, kittens over 6 months of age will require a blood test to ensure they are not already infected by the virus.
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